Once you have engaged RKAsh Consulting to partner with your team, the process we follow is tailored for success of the engagement, although the approach for each client is unique to their particular nuances.
1. Conference Call
A conference call will be scheduled to evaluate your specific needs and how RKAsh Consulting can best partner with your team. This call will address the number of physicians/practitioners, case volumes, areas of concern and the expectations for this engagement.
2. Business Agreement
- Once the decision has been made for engagement, a proposal contract and Business Associates Agreement (BAA) may be executed for services.
- After the execution of the contract and BAA we will have a pre-engagement conference call to discuss the logistics of preparing the audit materials and needed documents for timely completion of the project.
- This will include discussing the time frame for the data and/or reports as well as the approach to the audit
3. Audit
- When preparing for the audit, you will receive two (2) forms to complete
- A questionnaire to return to RKAsh Consulting one week prior to commencement of the audit, and
- A checklist to be used by billing staff and medical records in preparation for the first day of the project.
- As the services begin, which may be onsite, or remotely, depending on the services and volume of work to review. We will provide a time frame in which you may anticipate the final report.
- Typically, this takes between fifteen (15) and thirty (30) days, depending on the services contracted, the size of the sampling, and the scope of the review.
- With the final report, a call/visit will be scheduled to review findings, discuss corrective actions and next steps.
As the initial engagement project comes to a close, we are committed to staying in relationship with your team and being available for ongoing education, auditing, and assistance as needed with regard to the initial engagement findings for the subsequent six (6) months. Additionally, many clients believe that a retention contract is advantageous for ongoing support for your team.